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just a laymen with some questions about immunology i think - how do allergy shots work? (Mar/15/2007 )

I'm wondering how successful allergy shots are and specifically how important are the time intervals between shots. I'm not being treated with allergy shots, but i'm treating myself for what i perceive to be an auto immune problem with a similar approach to allergy shots, by exposing myself to i guess you call it the antigen or whatever it would be called that provokes an allergic reaction and I'm wondering how important it is that you space out the exposures, like how much do you need to allow your body to recover from each exposure. thanks in advance.


Hi juntjoo,

Stop trying to desensibilize yourself! It probably won't work but may harm by boosting your reaction. Hyposensibilization is REALLY tricky, you can't just do it by exposing yourself to the antigen. Antigens used in the clinical setting are attenuated and the timing and dosage of the exposition are really important. The hyposensibilization can be successfull for some but not for all allergies. Refer to a medicine!!!
