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Detect small RNA using DIG-labeled probe - Northern for small RNA (Jan/06/2007 )


Does anyone have experience with detecting small RNA (eg. microRNA, siRNA) using DIG-labeled probe?

I think the big RNA we currently work on may process to small RNAs. I am thinking to use DIG-labeled RNA probes (200-500 nt) for Northern analysis after PAGE gel and capillary transfer.

Any sugestions would be highly appreciated!



a referebce paper might help you
Mol Cell Probes. 2006 Feb;20(1):1-4


QUOTE (rye @ Jan 7 2007, 09:10 AM)
a referebce paper might help you
Mol Cell Probes. 2006 Feb;20(1):1-4

Thank you, got the paper. They used DIG-labeled miRNA probes for Northern, and showed the nonisotopic detection was just as sensitive as 32P-labeled probe.

However, I still need to get feedback whether longer DIG-labeled probe (eg, 200-500 bp) could detect miRNAS.



I just know Dig labeled 4 repeats antisense miRNA sequences have been applied in in situ hybridization...
While for better understand whether your big RNA may process into small RNA, you might think about isolated small RNA specific to your interested transcript by enrich small RNA clones annealing to your RNA...
Here is a reference:
RNA(2001), 7:1522-1530
