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Suggestions for oligo modifications - (May/29/2006 )

I need suggestion for a modification that I can put at the 3' end of an oligo so that it will not be extensible. Will a phosphate work? The company I order my oligos from do not offer ddNTPs so I am a little stuck as to what to do.



why dont you just dephosporylate? will prevent any extension of the oligo

-grapes of wrath-

extension of oligo is done from 3' OH terminus. So dephosphorylation of the 5' will not help


doh! sorry

-grapes of wrath-

A 3' phosphate will prevent extension, but is somewhat unstable. Best would be a dideoxy. You could add a 3' ddNTP with terminal transferase and the appropriate ddNTP.


Thanks for the responses. I've ordered my oligo with a 3' phoshpate, so we'll see how it works. The company doesn't offer ddNTPs or that's what I would have gon with.


i was reading roche catalog and though about your post, and they sold ddNTP.
