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immunological basis ofglycoprotein drug - (Aug/24/2001 )

I am working on a glycoprotein which have biological activity on parental administration.Biological activity remain same in repeated and regular admistration.We have raised antibobies aginst it.It means body produces antibodies against it.My question is that if antibody productin takes place aginst it ,how it gives same biological activity in repeated administration?please help me .


Interesting point. May be the answer is the form you administered your substance. In order to generate an immune response and obtain your antibodies you usually give it subcutaneus plus adjuvant. It is possible that the same substance will be a weak immunogen by other routes (e.g. IV). Please tell me how the project goes on.


Dear sir ,thanks for your kind reply.The glycoprotein is biologicaly active with almost all routes including IV,IP ,IM, SC,ID and oral when injected with normal saline.In oral route activity is less ;possible cause may be proteolytic digestion by proteases in gut or due to low pH.Antibodies was raised with complete adjuvant subcutaneously.If it is week immunogen,CAN regular administration work as booster while using with normal saline?with regards
