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How to reduce electrophoresis times - Impatient me needs faster results (Feb/23/2011 )

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Hi HomeBrew, Ameya,
I can't remember much about the exact price and unit (the sales talk to me very long time ago) but I do barely remember the price for 1 piece is around ~RM40 (~USD10), the system which include the visualizing box is sold separately.

According to this website:$29816

It is sold in the packet of 9.

-adrian kohsf-

Thanks adrian!


HomeBrew on Sun Feb 27 12:07:11 2011 said:

Thanks adrian!

You are welcome, HomeBrew... let us know how you think after you had tried it out... ^_^

-adrian kohsf-

HomeBrew on Sat Feb 26 16:37:26 2011 said:

I'd appreciate it if you'd let us know... Looking over their web site, I had the sinking feeling it was one gel. The only indication I could find that it might not be was the description to the FlashGel DNA Starter Kit, which mentions it comes with "a pack of 1.2% DNA Cassettes"...

I got quotes from Lonza and Invitrogen (E gel system).
Lonza : ~ $ 1800 :angry:
Invitrogen - $ 1300 :angry:

These are for the complete kit to get me started... Stupid gels can't be visulaized on a normal transilluminator... now why would that be??? :blink: (They use EtBr)

adrian kohsf on Sat Feb 26 17:59:51 2011 said:

Hi HomeBrew, Ameya,
I can't remember much about the exact price and unit (the sales talk to me very long time ago) but I do barely remember the price for 1 piece is around ~RM40 (~USD10), the system which include the visualizing box is sold separately.

According to this website:$29816

It is sold in the packet of 9.

I am still waiting for their quotes on packs of 9 and 18... but at these rates of their starter kits... I cant hope for any relief. After speaking to my boss, I realized that the cost of running the usual agarose gels are as less $ 3 :unsure: (that is rounding off to the NEXT INTEGER )


gt_ameya on Sat Mar 5 06:36:51 2011 said:

I am still waiting for their quotes on packs of 9 and 18... but at these rates of their starter kits... I cant hope for any relief. After speaking to my boss, I realized that the cost of running the usual agarose gels are as less $ 3 :unsure: (that is rounding off to the NEXT INTEGER )

You mean USD 3?
For my calculation, my gel is around RM4, (USD1)
And yet, I most of the time still recycle my agarose by remelting in microwave and add EtBr again...

-adrian kohsf-

adrian kohsf on Sat Mar 5 07:30:21 2011 said:

gt_ameya on Sat Mar 5 06:36:51 2011 said:

I am still waiting for their quotes on packs of 9 and 18... but at these rates of their starter kits... I cant hope for any relief. After speaking to my boss, I realized that the cost of running the usual agarose gels are as less $ 3 :unsure: (that is rounding off to the NEXT INTEGER )

You mean USD 3?
For my calculation, my gel is around RM4, (USD1)
And yet, I most of the time still recycle my agarose by remelting in microwave and add EtBr again...

Yes USD 3.
USD 1??? what agarose do you use? and what % gels?

I need 2.5% gels for most of my samples.

(With lots of hollow pride that means nothing :P ) I have never reused my gels...


I use 1-1.5% of gell... guess the price is almost same after all... I use a local brand agarose from company Vivantis.

-adrian kohsf-
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