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Is Taq polymerase still active after staying at 10C for one day? - (Oct/24/2009 )

I accidentally left the polymerase tube outside the fridge for one day, (temp is around 10C since it previously in the ice bath...). Can I still use this Taq polymerase? Thanks!


DigitalPig on Oct 24 2009, 06:49 PM said:

I accidentally left the polymerase tube outside the fridge for one day, (temp is around 10C since it previously in the ice bath...). Can I still use this Taq polymerase? Thanks!

Yes. Give it a try. It should be okay from this miss adventure.


Yes, almost certainly. Taq is a high temperature enzyme which survives 95C in a thermocycler. The main danger would be bacterial or fungal growth, but this is unlikely over a day, and probably would be inhibited by other components of the enzyme buffer.
