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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : Molecular-Biology
1441. Run agarose/formaldehyde gel for 5 mins before loading samples? Why? - (reply: 1)
1442. Myc tags - (reply: 1)
1443. MOPS: How do you sterlise yours? - (reply: 2)
1444. Which gel concentration - (reply: 4)
1445. Glyoxylated RNA and SYBR Safe - Running glyoxylated RNA on a SYBR safe agarose gel - NO BANDS (reply: 1)
1446. PCR Amplification: Tips on simple things to keep an eye out for - (reply: 1)
1447. MINI Dialysis Units - below 2K MWCO? (reply: 1)
1448. PCR for sequencing genomic DNA (multiple alleles) - Are there preferences for amplification of certain sequences? (reply: 1)
1449. Rotten Fish Smell in TAE Buffer - Stinky TAE (reply: 3)
1450. plasmid extraction and purification - methods to extract and purify plasmid to get high purity super coil (reply: 4)
1451. Combining forward and reverse primer gives different size on gel - (reply: 2)
1452. Help for co-transfection of proteins and plasmid - (reply: 1)
1453. PCR of complement genomic DNA - (reply: 3)
1454. RNAi is somatic and germline cells - (reply: 3)
1455. subcloning into bacterial expression vector - (reply: 1)
1456. Taq DNA polymerase - how can microbes affoard an error-making enzyme? (reply: 2)
1457. cloning into F1 ori of expression vector??? - (reply: 1)
1458. primers for fungal identification - (reply: 9)
1459. protein overexpression in HeLa cells - (reply: 1)
1460. TBE Acrylamide/Formamide gels running slowly - (reply: 4)
1461. Sequencing promoter regions - (reply: 6)
1462. PCR for long and repetitive region from genomic DNA - (reply: 4)
1463. dna isolation - dna isolation (reply: 1)
1464. How to store plasmid DNA on filter paper - I want to make a folder of all of them (reply: 3)
1465. DNA extraction from plated colonies - (reply: 3)
1466. PCR of repeated region - (reply: 1)
1467. Sense and antisense DNA, and primer design - (reply: 6)
1468. negative control in qRT-PCR - (reply: 6)
1469. Separating cut/non-cut vector - (reply: 6)
1470. PCR bands in NTC but NOT in negative samples - (reply: 2)