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Top : New Forum Archives (2009-): : General-Lab-Techniques
841. Column volume - (reply: 1)
842. how to prepare carbonate buffer - for elisa (reply: 3)
843. Centrifugal concentrators - (reply: 4)
844. Cloning Problem: HSP90AA1 - Cloning Problem: HSP90AA1 (reply: 1)
845. stock concentration and working concentration - (reply: 5)
846. succinate quantitation - (reply: 1)
847. need a math check - (reply: 6)
848. Questions for regarding sucrose gradients - (reply: 3)
849. Candida albicans cells lysis - method (reply: 1)
850. number of copies after pcr? - (reply: 1)
851. Detergent-based lysis buffer reciipe for E coli - (reply: 6)
852. final concentration - (reply: 5)
853. finding molar amounts in a buffer solution - (reply: 1)
854. non-invasive stress hormone measurement - (reply: 1)
855. reason to use 2X LB - (reply: 5)
856. why uses NaCl and KCl in PBS preparation - (reply: 1)
857. Brain tissue homogenization method - (reply: 2)
858. measure many small volumes - (reply: 4)
859. cell counting - (reply: 5)
860. Micropipetting basics? - (reply: 10)
861. spermidine concentration - (reply: 3)
862. HPLC column cleaning - (reply: 2)
863. HELP NEEDED: How to prepare HEPES-Tris Buffer? - (reply: 2)
864. hedon-fleig's saline - preparation (reply: 1)
865. Percentage dilution - (reply: 1)
866. difference between washing and resuspending a pellet? - (reply: 7)
867. calculating total amount - in a pcr reaction (reply: 4)
868. What types of buffers are in the body? - (reply: 1)
869. How to isolate serum from blood for RNA extraction - (reply: 2)
870. Calculating MOI of viral vector - (reply: 1)