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My friend: Did u opened my email? - i'm waiting... (Mar/11/2009 )

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Hi guys

I need some help

I send emails and wait for responses from some people...i need to know if they opened the email i sent or not anyone here know a way for this purpose!? :ph34r:


Many email client programs such as outlook allow you to request delivery or read receipt. If you choose to do that, you will get a message noticing you that your message has been delivered or read by the recipient.


hi bioforum

unfortunately, i'm sending most my emails through Google and hotmail!


Good to see U Strawberry after a long time. U look different.

About tracking your email, if you just google your question (I tried), you will get a lot of replies to similar question. But, I am not sure how appropriate or reliable are they. I have not done any thing like this before.

Best way is to ask the other person to reply back or make a call and ask if they received the email. With hotmail, many emails go to 'junk box' and is never seen by the recipient.


as bioforum already pointed out, you can ask for a request, however, it will depend on the recipient whether they want to send the confirmation or not. i believe the best way to do it is ask directly.


Nabi on Mar 11 2009, 09:58 PM said:

About tracking your email, if you just google your question (I tried), you will get a lot of replies to similar question. But, I am not sure how appropriate or reliable are they. I have not done any thing like this before.

I have tried one of things that came up on google years ago. It worked perfectly. I unfortunately don't recall what the site was, but you can get 10 free trial emails that tell you when somebody reads it/deletes it/ect. Hopefully it still is out there somewhere.


There is the website that allows to track email but it is not free (~ 50$/year) But you can try it for free for one month (if I remember !)


bioforum on Mar 11 2009, 04:59 PM said:

Many email client programs such as outlook allow you to request delivery or read receipt. If you choose to do that, you will get a message noticing you that your message has been delivered or read by the recipient.

Even this system is not waterproof: if the recipient chooses not to click YES on the confirmation you ask then you still wouldnt know it they saw it, but offcourse its a good way.

I am not sure if it is still possible to use gmail in outlook?
I know you need to pay to install hotmail in outlook, dont know if it is the same with gmail.

The only real alternative is indeed a program like Biog said, but those cost money.


I find that an easy way to ask people whether they got an e-mail without sounding pushy is to blame technology. When you get tired of waiting, send an e-mail along these lines:

"I've been having a little trouble with my e-mail client lately, and I just wanted to check whether you got the e-mail I sent you (enter date here), regarding (quick synopsis of prior e-mail). If not, I'll gladly resend it. Please let me know."

It tends to work great for reminding people to answer you, without coming off as a nag.


I tried sending an email
next day, i recieved a postmaster email tolding me that the delivery failed
the email mentioned the number of attempts, and mentioned the second email of the person i want to send, not the original email i used

can anyone explain to me what is going on?!!

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