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splitting cells-ideas? - (Mar/16/2005 )

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whops...I forgot to ask why is the split ratio 1/2 and not something between 1/2-1/20? What decides it? How do I know the minimum of cells of a cell line that give a quick entry into log phase growth? How do i know that my cells is 80-100% confluence? Is this a rough or accurately estimation? blink.gif

Hope for replies.

Thank you.


well... for split ratio, you may ask your boss or make litterature or see the ATCC web page. Some cells support infinite division (1 cell alone can divide itself whithout problem, but obviously slower at the begining) and some others don't support more than 1:5. you can try different ratio and see but experience of other people is generally suitable.

For cell confluence, i do not have a rough answer. I estimate confluency by looking at the cells by microscopy. Cells that are at 50% confluency(for example), are large, usually with cinnections between them and their recognisible shape. but when reaching 80 90%, they are quite little and have partially lost their conformation. the cell bodies will apperar close... Once again, you need to ask experienced people to help and show you.
I'm sorry for not explain more precisely...dry.gif



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