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Pepsi, Coca-cola successful in killng pests in INDIA - pesticide residues in Pepsi, and Coke (Nov/28/2004 )

How far its safe to drink Pepsi and Coca-cola. Pesticide residues of Pepsi, and coca-cola were benn investigated by researhes of CFTRI, Mysore.
field trails of these soft-drinks on crop plants showed effective in killing the pests of cotton, chili and tobacco in india (Guntur districk).

for details ref. New indian express (28-11-2004)

So, take care




I saw in New Scientist a while back, that there had been field trials by researchers in a wide range of areas of this effect and that there was no evidence to back up the claims of pesticide effects in Coke or Pepsi. Still it would be interesting to see what would happen if there actually were effects, it certainly would make for a cheap spray!



It would scare me first, as we all drank it one time. smile.gif I guess it's all that phosphoric acid. or maybe its the caffeine.


very interesting ohmy.gif


Good thing I don't drink the stuff biggrin.gif
