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Ever encountered sticky, difficult, awkward situation? How did you handle it? - What was the outcome? (Oct/30/2008 )


Anyone wants to share first?


-BioWizard v0.0.1-

1. A beaker (with "hockey stick") containing alcohol went up in flame. Decision: Wait for the alcohol to run dry or find a container to choke out the flame. Decided: Waiting for the ethanol to run dry is really slow. Found a plastic container and covered the flame. The outcome: Plastic warped a bit due to heat but was enough to kill the flame.

-BioWizard v0.0.1-

2. Mobile phone dropping into the toilet bowl. In fortunate circumstances - you have just flushed the bowl, then it dropped; in unimaginable circumstances, it dropped into a place you never imagined you would explore with your hands. Decision: Flush the darn thing and get on with life. Alas, that is not possible because all of you personal life is in there, esp so, since we have delegated the phone as our personal assistant (PA), that reaches out to friends, families and jobs. Decision: On a count of three.... reach it and retrieve it as fast as humanly possible (cursing at the same time); rush to the sink (hoping no one sees you) and rinse the whole thing; then separate the battery from the phone.... rush to the drying oven... dry the phone minus the battery (can discard the battery); after ensuring it's completely dried, rush to the nearest stall to get the battery replaced (and hoping that it still work). Note: Don't try to on the phone when it's wet or you can kiss the thing good bye.

-BioWizard v0.0.1-