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Grain RNA extraction - for barley (Apr/07/2008 )


Is there a difference between conventional RNA extraction protocol and RNA extraction for grain- eg barley?

If so can anyone suggest a paper using a specific protocol for barley grain RNA extraction. Thanks in advance smile.gif


i read this a long time ago, don't remember how they did the mRNA extraction. the paper is this:

Radchuk, Volodymyr V;Sreenivasulu, Nese;Radchuk, Ruslana I;Wobus, Ulrich;Weschke, Winfriede, The methylation cycle and its possible functions in barley endosperm development. Plant Mol Biol 59, 289-307, 2005


QUOTE (toejam @ Apr 8 2008, 01:50 AM)
i read this a long time ago, don't remember how they did the mRNA extraction. the paper is this:

Radchuk, Volodymyr V;Sreenivasulu, Nese;Radchuk, Ruslana I;Wobus, Ulrich;Weschke, Winfriede, The methylation cycle and its possible functions in barley endosperm development. Plant Mol Biol 59, 289-307, 2005

Thanks tj!
the author used Gentra RNA isolation kit for his grain RNA extraction.
My lab seems to be using a similar kit (Qiagen). Hope I'll get good quality
mRNA with it. planning to construct cDNA from it.


you're welcome heidi. qiagen has good kits. to extract RNA using maize endosperm i used the micro to midi from invitrogen, it worked well but the yield was not too high, it was lot higher when using trizol. if your budget allows it, i'd recomend the one-step kit from invitrogen, works really nice.



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