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What should I do? - Neuro or Fetal (Feb/08/2008 )

Hi there,

So Just wondering what ppl on this forum think of my little "dilema" I am in my 3rd year of my BSc majoring in Biomedical Science and have to choose a specialization...last year I was soo sure I wanted to do neurobiology and took papers accordingly so that this year I could enrol..however my GPA was not high enough and I was waitlisted in some of my papers-thinking that there was no way I would get accepted I decided on another specialization which was fetal development. Basically all the specializations offered had a prerequisate of a paper I failed last year..I want to try for medicine in 2009 so want to really well this year to try and get my grades up. However doing fetal requires me to do a genetics paper (which I know I will dread and find extremely hard like I found my 2nd year genetics paper and basically struggle with it)...

So the more I thought about fetal the more I got excited and was like "That's what I wanna do"--doing this though would probably require me to repeat the paper I failed and do that genetics paper in the same semester (or stay another semester in 2009 which I don't wanna do seeing as I wanna try for med)...

Noow today I found out I got accepted into those papers which I was waitlisted for allowing me to do a specialization of neurobiology (and I'll add its the ONLY specialization that does not require me to have the paper I failed) now seeing as I like the idea of fetal and not so much neuro I'm thinking what should I dooo? If I don't get into med then I'm gonna carry on with post-grad studies but say then I wanna do fetal in post-grad would that still be possible??

Any thoughts would be much appreciated...


my degree was in genetics and i haven't done genetics since (my stuff now is based on mlso stuff i did 15 yrs ago)
do what you enjoy
do what gives you experience
do what is available
your degree does not dictate your future as much as you think it does (as long as you pass it of course)

