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WinMDI Errors - what they mean (Feb/06/2008 )

Sometimes I get error messages in WinMDI and I cannot interpret what they mean. The only solution to some is close down WinMDI and do it all over again without knowing what mistake had U committed in the first instance. Sometime, it happens over and over and U just need to shut down the computer, go down, have a cup of coffee and come back.

But, is there any place where I can understand the meaning is the errors.

Like - ''Null handle Region 1''

My friend was trying to make a hisotgram. She was getting this again and again. She asked me to have a look. I got the same. I try making a histogram and it gave this error note. We call our senior and when she was standing next to us, it was a miracle. Nothing went wrong.

Where was the error?

-Bungalow Boy-

what is the version of the program you use?


Version 2.8

-Bungalow Boy-

QUOTE (Bungalow Boy @ Feb 8 2008, 01:06 AM)
Version 2.8

Tryptofan, nothing for version 2.8? Anything for ver 2.9? Hoping for a reply.

-Bungalow Boy-

Generally, if latest version is not out and I'm stuck with the current version which is not bug free, or worst, crashes with error message(s)... I'd contact the freeware developer for help. If that's to no avail, regress to last version, e.g. v2.7.

Have you tried downloading again, just to make sure none of the files is corrupted during file transfer? Then reinstall.


-BioWizard v0.0.1-

Thx I will be doing that if it happens again but right now running fine again.

-Bungalow Boy-

sorry, I forgot this post!!!

I have already got this message and need to reboot the soft
sometimes version 2.8 could even not start before a complete reboot of the windows XP system
this came mostly after activity suspension or hibernation on my laptop...

I think the message you got is due to internal error in the file currently analyzed
it may contain some bad coordinates, or may be not correctly formatted for any reason, certainly due to the soft used during acquisition... And when defining a region or a marker on it, data points are not correctly interpreted and make conflict and crash the program
take a look inside the structure of the "bad" file with the FCS reader application installed with WinMDI, and compare with "normal" file, of just open these files with Word and find any mistake...

if the problem is reccurent, I suggest you to uninstall completely the soft and reinstall it after system reboot

PS: v2.9 on Vista is very stable



Thank U tryptofan.

The error came without any apparent cause and everything worked again without me doing anything. But, everytime I sit with WinMDI, I have that fear when I will have to restart again. Anyways, without those, it would not be much fun, would it?

-Bungalow Boy-