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Whst does the term "call rate" in SNP analysis mean? - (Feb/04/2008 )

hello everyone,
i was reading this paper on a genome wide association study on breast cancer. In methodolgy they excluded certain samples on the basis of "call rate of SNP" and can you give any references online.


From what I understand a "call" is basically the genotype assignment. I pulled this quote from the background of the paper referenced below (open access paper).

If a SNP's probe intensity values do not pass the detection filter score (DS) or the RAS scores fall outside the boundaries of the statistical model then the SNP is assigned a "NoCall" value. The overall call rate of a sample is equal to the number of SNPs receiving an AA, AB, or BB genotype call divided by the total number of SNPs on the chip.

SNiPer: Improved SNP genotype calling for Affymetrix 10K GeneChip microarray data
Matthew J Huentelman*, David W Craig*, Albert D Shieh*, Jason J Corneveaux, Diane Hu-Lince, John V Pearson and Dietrich A Stephan

I hope this was helpful.


QUOTE (unique317 @ Feb 4 2008, 08:27 PM)
From what I understand a "call" is basically the genotype assignment. I pulled this quote from the background of the paper referenced below (open access paper).

If a SNP's probe intensity values do not pass the detection filter score (DS) or the RAS scores fall outside the boundaries of the statistical model then the SNP is assigned a "NoCall" value. The overall call rate of a sample is equal to the number of SNPs receiving an AA, AB, or BB genotype call divided by the total number of SNPs on the chip.

SNiPer: Improved SNP genotype calling for Affymetrix 10K GeneChip microarray data
Matthew J Huentelman*, David W Craig*, Albert D Shieh*, Jason J Corneveaux, Diane Hu-Lince, John V Pearson and Dietrich A Stephan

I hope this was helpful.

Thankyou for your prompt reply. i am afraid many of these terms (DS, RAS, SNP probes intensity value) are new to me. can you recommend some basic literature i can read to understand them?


Sorry for the delay in responding - I was not getting notified when there is a response to a post.

Here is a website with some information: - main page for the site

As well as a glossary with genetic epi info:
