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countdown for the new year - (Dec/17/2007 )

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people are almost busy at the end of the year...everyone hopes for better life with the beginning of each newyear....and rolleyes.gif

these are the last days for this year..what did u wish and get or not get!! and what are your wishes, hopes for the new year!

for me, still hope to get a job and refresh my life closedeyes.gif
what about u guys, share us your feelings rolleyes.gif



Hope to do research in cancer immunology with a famous supervisor.

i guess lots of students will wanna to go his lab. I dunno whats the chance of me going there but will give it a try. rolleyes.gif


Hope to write up the thesis draft before my new mentor back from holiday in early January next year. smile.gif

Hope to get extension for my scholarship... the agency said they are going to mail the letter to me last week... I still haven't receive it yet sad.gif

-Minnie Mouse-

10 or less days remain smile.gif


6 days left!


3 days.



2 as the number of these pretty cats ...


I wish my supervisor get the grant, so she can still employ me.
Unless I will have to find an other position, or an other job.
Cross my fingers


one day smile.gif


rolleyes.gif Wishing every one an early Happy New Year 2008!!! biggrin.gif


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