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How to make P fluorescens glow - (Nov/18/2007 )

Hi people,

I believe Pseudomonas fluorescens may be isolated from the soil and I was wondering under what condition in the lab will it glow?


hmmm you grow it on selective media and take it into a dark room. we did this in class, back in the day

I can't recall the media in particular. if you still need this, let me know and I'll check in my old lab manual at home and get back to you in a few days?


QUOTE (jchchye @ Nov 19 2007, 05:43 AM)
Hi people,

I believe Pseudomonas fluorescens may be isolated from the soil and I was wondering under what condition in the lab will it glow?

It should glow under UV light as well.


Fluorescent Pseudomonas can grow in Kings's B agar. The media, however, is not selective so that you will have to examine the plates under UV light to check for fluorescence. Fluoresent Pseudomonas take characteristic yelowish or greenish color (two different type of colonies).

You will have to take in notice taht colonies grow extremely quickly in King's B agar. Although a temperature of 30oC is recommended in textbooks we have used an incubation temperature of 24oC for three days to slow down growth. Again it was critical to remove and check the plates in time as growth was really fast.
