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plating caco-2 cells - Caco-2 cells don't form monolayer and MEM turned pink!! why?? (Oct/02/2007 )

hi all! I did plating of caco2 cells 4 days ago. Today is the 5th day. However, I notice that the caco-2 cells don't form a continuous monolayer. From my microscope, I see loads and loads of caco -2 cells in small clusters. They don't really form a big continuous piece of caco-2 cells? Does this imply that my plating has failed?

Also, the mem solution that i use for incubating caco-2 cells turned clear pink instead of orange. Is this ok?

Thank u for advice in advance!!


I'm not an expert with Caco-2 but I've feeling your starting inoculum was too low. [edit] Other options I see are problems with medium, especially with FBS.


QUOTE (K.B. @ Oct 2 2007, 06:48 PM)
I'm not an expert with Caco-2 but I've feeling your starting inoculum was too low. [edit] Other options I see are problems with medium, especially with FBS.

Hmm...thank you! smile.gif
