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The PCR Suite - a set of new primer design tools - (Mar/01/2004 )

a collection of programs that interact with the Whitehead's Primer3 program. The original Primer3 program designs primersets for one sequence and it allows you to change almost every parameter. The PCR Suite has more stringent settings (to allow more working primersets) and a smaller range of parameters (because you won't change most of them anyway).
The suite consists of four programs:
Overlapping_Primers is for creating multiple overlapping PCR products in one sequence.
Genomic_Primers designs primers around exons in genomic sequence. All you need is a GenBank file containing your gene.
SNP_Primers designs primers around every SNP in a GenBank file.
cDNA_Primers designs primers around open reading frames. Simply upload a GenBank file containing your genes.


Sage, thanks for the info.

Nice tools. Seemly all tools are for genomic PCR not RT-PCR, hope they can develop a tool for pickingup rt-pcr primers.

