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Illumina Golden gate methylation? - (Jun/12/2007 )


has anyone any experience with the Illumina golden gate methylation cancer panel? Or is anyone thinking about running it?
Any suggestions or tips?

Thanks in advance!


We were thinking of giving it a go, but as I am the only person in our lab to be using it, and it would've been only one experiment, the cost was way too much for us. Unless you intend to use it frequently, check the cost because the software and other reagents required are substantial. It sounds like a great system otherwise though.


I was thinking of running the array at a core facility lab. But I wonder how it is with the software - I have to contact the lab and ask them...


QUOTE (molbio @ Jun 14 2007, 01:04 PM)
I was thinking of running the array at a core facility lab. But I wonder how it is with the software - I have to contact the lab and ask them...

we've been using GG Methylation analysis in the core lab. But moved on to the genome-wide methylation screens based on Illuminas Infinium assay. It works fine to us and we hand out the data in MS Office compatible formts.
What's your experience - did you run your samples by now?


Hi Bernhard,

I actually ran the genome-wide methylation array instead of the cancer panel. I just got the data back so I can't say that much yet. A lot of data though, don't really know were to start... I think it is hard to know how to analyze them in a good way, since the method hasn't been used that much there aren't many publications...
