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So I came to the dead end again! - (May/02/2007 )

Next week we have to submit my manuscript (yes yes I know this *last week* was going on since december wacko.gif but we (or my prof) were waiting for the new results. Anyway I have wrote my manuscript, it is corrected for 1000 times and still under correction rolleyes.gif but the real problem is in the results I am getting (Oh finally!). The results are not at all what we were expecting and dont fit into the paper that I wrote. ninja.gif. However they are interesting but need more experiments to be presented and published (the time for which I REALLY dont have).

So I am stuck here. Do I change the flow of the whole paper and try to fit these results somehow? Now I want to do FINAL revision and try to submit to my prof in such a way that there will be minimal chance for endless discussions and submission next week. HOwever, by changing the flow would mean to open new doors for endless discussions etc.

Or I just give up and tell my prof if we dont submit this paper as it is (without new results) I quit.

Or I try to fit the results without changing the flow of the paper (which may most prbably results in not so interesting paper and rejection by my professor).

I am planning to write to my professor of course, but I would like to hear your opinions first. sleep.gif


Warning : Opinion of a person without any experience.

U did the experiments right but the result says something other than your hypothesis (and what looked to be obvious) then your hypothesis must be reconsidered. If U have data supporting some other thought and they are good enough, then write what the data tell - that's science. All the hypothesis need not be right; that is why we do experiments to verify. Second thing is what U said that it may require more experiments to verufy it completely. Isn't it possible that U keep that open and write a paper tactfully - someone in your lab may later complete them.


its a really very difficult situation, but you should be more patient and calm and think by yourself what will be the best for you.

but dont give up and quit. you spend a lots of time and energy in lab so to make your time and energy meaningful just be patient for some more days.

i know you were a monbusho scholar and your shcolarship is finished in march of this year. and may be you are now staying by your own expense. is it possible for you (you and your husband) to do part time job and earn enough money for your living expenses ???? and you can ask your prof to extend your time for 6 months, and tell him to manage some funds for you (like 5-7 man atleast). if you get more 6 months then you can do your expt and write paper properly and may be you will be satisfied after you finish your degree.

i read your blog. oussama is soooooooooooo cute.

i supposed to finish my degree in this august and still now i dont have any paper so my prof extend my time for 6 months, so possibly i will graduated on march of next year. and i am not upset and i am doing my experiment and want to use this time properly. i got money from a project and my prof agreed to continue it upto next march.

so kathy lets try together
futari de gambaroooo

-ligation doesn't works-

thank you so much for your Nabin, i am sorry i am talking very vague so I will explain more (please dont get bored), so he expected we get interesting results in the exons and we got interesting results in the cell body. since his (my prof's) speciality is axon degeneration and my whole manuscript on axon degeneration, what happens in the cell body really doesnt fit into the story here, while it doesnt contradict anything either. So he is insisting on getting some results in the axons, i change everything I can and still cant observe anything interesting happening there glare.gif. Anyway the thing I am finding now is about aggregation which I am very excited about since I really adore that topic. So i am wondering should I be more persistent and try to write a really nice paper, and include new data with some reformation of the whole manuscript but in the risk of being rejected by my prof (no time to correct then). unsure.gif I am really lost here at what I should do..... mellow.gif

Ligation, thank you for reading my blog biggrin.gif and thanx for the compliments. smile.gif where do you live in Japan? I hope we both publish our papers very soon. Gambarooooo!!!!! blush.gif


Do your results show that your hypothesis is wrong? Or are they just not fitting well. That makes a difference!
Normally, you ma write the introduction stating your hypothesis first, but the whole discussion should be left for later, when the results are there (otherwise, you can't discuss them). If they argue against your hypothesis, than you can discuss, why your hypothesis was wrong and what would be the next steps to find a new hypothesis that actually fits with your results. If your results just don't fit, maybe the experiments were not the rigth ones for your hypothesis? Than it is bad scientific practice to try and publish it, at least without re-writing the manuscript.


i live in Nagaoka of Niigata ken.

-ligation doesn't works-

If your results just don't fit, maybe the experiments were not the rigth ones for your hypothesis? Than it is bad scientific practice to try and publish it, at least without re-writing the manuscript.

yes this is excatly the case. sad.gif actually i have been following my profs methods and plans but they all lead me to the dead end i guess...sad.gif however i am thinking of re-writting the manuscript BEFORE talking to him, since just saying that I will try to re-write the manuscript to fit the results will lead to most certain *NO*. ph34r.gif anyway to re-write i will need so much time and revision too so i am afraid to start to have it all rejected at the end... unsure.gif


QUOTE (Kathy @ May 4 2007, 01:36 AM)
anyway to re-write i will need so much time and revision too so i am afraid to start to have it all rejected at the end... unsure.gif

Hey - but that is the business! I have a paper that has finally been published after 6 rejections. You can live with it just by knowing that editors and reviewers just don't understand what a genius you are wink.gif

Don't give up!
