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about protein domains in pfam - (Aug/24/2006 )

Hello to all. I've been following this forum for about a year and got useful answers most of the time, so this is my first post.
I'm new to bioinformatics tools, and I need to find if there is a way to see the smaller/ sub domains in a defined domain in pfam or NCBI's Conserved Domain Database. My entry gives two hexokinase domains as answer but what I want to see is things like Glucose binding domain, ATP binding domain (parts related to phosphate and adenosine). In literature I see everybody gives those domains and I have the main reference paper but I'm sure there is a way to find those domains using the softwares on the pfam, ncbi or somewhere else.
So if anyone can reply and suggest a database (even a help file is useful), method or anything else I will be glad. thanks in advance.. smile.gif


QUOTE (asli @ Aug 24 2006, 10:05 AM)
So if anyone can reply and suggest a database (even a help file is useful), method or anything else I will be glad. thanks in advance.. smile.gif


You can try using the following servers to get information on protein families and domains:

1) PRINTS - Protein Motif fingerprint db

2) ProDom - Protein domain db (Automatically generated)

3) Prosite - db of families and domains. Just cut and paste your sequence and you'll get a graphical view of your domain/families. contains 1440 documentation entries that describe 1331 patterns, 4 rules and 644 profiles/matrices

4) InterProScan - Scan a sequence against all the motif databases in InterPro

Hope this helps.

Good luck! smile.gif

Ermm are you sure you are looking at domains? Ot seems to me like you are looking a specific motifs, specific sequence that carry a distinct function, whereas a domain is more of a large structural fragment with a known function(s).


thanks for your replies, I'll try to have a look at the reference databases you (sara) gave..
and (I told you that I'm new to this field, and I may have some confusions about the terms) but, is it correct to say "ATP binding sequence" instead of ATP binding domain? so how should I interpret the result of pfam search when it says "hexokinase domain"? I am searching for some conserved sequences that lead to structural and functional similarities among genes of similar(?) organisms, like if we know the sequence belongign to yeast, than I may look for a similar sequence+structure in another fungi... am I so confused??? thanks..


QUOTE (asli @ Sep 12 2006, 12:00 AM)
(I told you that I'm new to this field, and I may have some confusions about the terms) but, is it correct to say "ATP binding sequence" instead of ATP binding domain?

I was not 'having a go'. From a structural biology point of view a domain is a large structure... have a look at the astral domain database. These domains may carry several distinct functional motifs. Features such as ATP binding have specific sequences maybe something like GGG[L/I]XXX[L/I]GGG (I just made that up so don't have a go at me). So in an ATP binding domain, you will be looking for a specific motif - indeed one of the databases Sara pointed out to you has this information (sorry I can't remember which)

Again, please don't take my post as hostile, I just wanted to clarify what, exactly, you meant.
