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what is the function of this mRNA - (Dec/06/2005 )


now i've got a full length mRNA use cap trapper method in plant. it is about 4kb . but by orf finder, there longest coding region is only 500bp. with no known domain.
so i'm puzzled, is this mRNA a pesudotranscripts or may persue other functions in the orgonism.


500 bp mRNA should encode a functional protein. Have you checked its expression in different tissues?


QUOTE (pcrman @ Dec 6 2005, 06:03 PM)
500 bp mRNA should encode a functional protein. Have you checked its expression in different tissues?

thanks pcrman

well, it transcribts in all tissue. and there is another transcripts from the same genome sequence with just a little different exon. the other one encode a known transcription factor.

now i've no idea how to explain the longer mRNA with a shorter protein and its biological functions ?



Tell me first is the mRNA codes only one protein( contain one Exon) Because mRNA can code many proteins.

If it contains only one exon the rest should under go RNA splicing ( removable of non coding regions)

