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reusing Ni NTA - (Aug/24/2009 )

could someone tell me how to reuse my Ni NTA beads with the same protein? I want to get rid of the imidazole! I was told that I just had to wash 20% EtOH (for storage) away with water and then with buffer and I could use them again?

Thank you!


PhD on Aug 24 2009, 02:29 AM said:

could someone tell me how to reuse my Ni NTA beads with the same protein? I want to get rid of the imidazole! I was told that I just had to wash 20% EtOH (for storage) away with water and then with buffer and I could use them again?

Thank you!

20% EtOH wash and then PBS will be fine :lol:


check the handbook (look up "histrap" or "nickel"):
affinity chromatography handbook, ge healthcare

or check the novagen handbook:
novagen (merck) ni-nta handbook (pdf)
