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Even volumes of different samples - (May/17/2009 )

Hi all,

is it possible to prepare somehow even volumes of different samples with different concentrations each in order to avoid adjusting the pipet each time?
I have more tha 10 samples and the adjusting thing each time kills me and besides I dont like leaving the protein in the WB gel for long cause it starts migrating in the gel and that gives a dirty appearance of my gel after the run

thx a lot


calculate the concentration of your samples, and dilute them so they have the same final concentrations. V2 = C1*V1/C2

-little mouse-

little mouse on May 18 2009, 01:37 AM said:

calculate the concentration of your samples, and dilute them so they have the same final concentrations. V2 = C1*V1/C2

Hey little mouse, thx for the tip. Dilute them with what? dH20, Lysis buffer? what exactly?


lysis buffer or other neutral solution
