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IMMUNOLOGY- Multiple Choice Questions - University MCQ Questions (May/03/2009 )


1.) Lymphocytes of the mucosal immune system…
A. are only of the B cell type
B. are only of the T cell type
C. make up less than 10% of the lymphoid tissues of the body
D. only produce IgG antibodies
E. home mainly to mucosal sites and not systemic lymphoid organs

2. Newborns…
A. receive IgM antibodies from the mother through placental transfer
B. receive maternal B cells C. have very few lymphocytes in their
D. respond to antigens as well as do adults
E. have virtually a full complement of maternal IgG antibodies

3. IgE…
A. is bound together by J chain
B. binds to mast cells through its Fab region
C. differs from IgG antibody because of its H chains
D is present in high concentration in serum
E is only found as a pentamer

4. The Fab portion of IgG…
A. binds to an Fc receptor
B. contains the J chain
C. contains the idiotype of the IgG
D. mediates biological effector functions of Ab molecules(e.g.
complement fixation)
E. activates complement

5. IgA…
A. crosses the placenta
B. is involved in hay fever
C. activates complement via the classical pathway
D. is present in milk and saliva
E. is the most common antibody class in the elderly

6. Activation of the alternative pathway involves…
A. C1
B. C2
C. C3
D. C5
E. C9

7. All of the following are true about acute phase proteins EXCEPT…
A. they include C-reactive protein
B. they include complement proteins
C. they are mainly produced in the liver
D. they function to limit tissue damage
E. they are not induced by cytokines

8. Helper T cells are distinguished from cytotoxic T cells by the presence of…
A. CD2
B. CD3
C. CD4
D. IL-2 receptor
E. Class II MHC antigen

9. B cells are distinguished from T cells by the presence of…
A. CD3
B. CD4
C. CD8
D. Surface Ig
E. Class I MHC antigen

10. T cells in lymph nodes…
A. occur predominantly in the medullary region
B. are only of the cytotoxic type
C. are phagocytic
D. are absent in Di-George syndrome
E. express surface immunoglobulins

These are on Confidence Based Marking so don't want to get confused. Answers are highly appreciated. Thanks for your valuable time.


How about you tell us what you think the answers are? It is not right to ask others to answer homework questions without first attempt it yourself.
