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GFP reporter gene - (Apr/23/2009 )


I will like to create a fusion gene between GFP reporter gene and GPCR gene is it possible ?
and it is possible how can I do it if I want it to express in animal?


There are plenty ways to do it.
One of them is to use a vector with multiple cloning site before or after GFP (be careful to be in frame and to get rid of the stop codon if you put your gene before the GFP), or you could PCR your gene of interest and insert the PCR product in a plasmid such as pAcGFP1-N In-Fusion™ Ready Vector from clontech. Have a look on their website. This plasmid can also be expressed in mammalian cells.
Attached File

-little mouse-

I would like to know if I can check the activity of the GPCR with the GFP when a ligand is binding and if I can, is this vector will help me donig that?


Is this homework question?
Then you should post it somewhere else, so we could help you.

-little mouse-