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RNA isolation form plants - (Apr/06/2009 )

I want to isolate RNA from oranges. any prefereable method or kit avaiable which I can use to isolate RNA without contaminating DNA present or both seperately.


Try Trizol or Tri-reagent, you will need to do something about the oil from the skin if you are using the fruit.


Witch part of the orange are you working on?
If it's the exocarp or mesocarp I'd use a protocol with CTAB preferably containing PVP.
If I remember correctly in oranges they are called flavedo and albedo.
CTAB especially with PVP extract RNA very well in flavonoid and polysaccharide rich tissues.
Try these situations:
Chang S., Puryear J. and Cairney J. (1993). A simple and efficient method for isolating RNA from pine trees. Plant Mol. Biol. Report 11:113-116.
or this site
DNA fingerprinting in plants By Kurt Weising, Hilde Nybom, Kirsten Wolff has 2 protocols


I googled "orange RNA extraction" and got this:
An Effective Protocol for the Isolation of RNA From the Pulp of Ripening Citrus Fruits


molgen on Apr 7 2009, 07:07 AM said:

I am going to try the extraction from flavedo.
