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Data analysis - of data from GEO (Feb/22/2009 )

This is driving me crazy - hopefully someone can help!

I downloaded some microarray data from GEO (affymetrix Mouse MOE430A chips) and I have some .CEL files, .EXP files (which I can't open) but I have been able to get a txt file which I can open in Excel which has all the data. However, it just has the probe ID, not gene name etc. There must be a way to automatically import and convert probe ID to the Gene ID, but despite much time on google I haven't figured out a way. I'm sure this is really simple, but I don't know what software I should be using. Please help!

-miRNA man-

Well to anyone who is having the same problem, I eventually found a nice web-based utility that does lots of data analysis and finds the probe names. The website is

-miRNA man-


Please try BxArray software for Microarray analysis. This is web based, highly reliable, affordable and secure tool. Pl check the details on

-Sara Jackson-