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Demethylase Jarid1 - (Feb/12/2009 )

Demethylation of H3K4me3 is carried out by demethylase Jarid1 family

There are 4 known members, Jarid1a (Rbp2), Jarid1b(Plu-1), Jarid1c(Smcx), Jarid1d(Smcy)

If say, I want to lower H3K4 trimethylation in cells by siRNA against these demethylase, how could it be done?

Are there studies about the compensatory effect between different members? It's not feasible to knockdown all 4 of them and I am not sure if knocking down one of them would have any effect to overall H3K4me3 at all


If you wanted to lower H3K4 trimethylation, I don't think that knocking down the demethylase's would achieve this. Removing the demethylase would only increase methylation. You would probably want to target the methyltransferases which attach the methyl groups.


Davo on Feb 15 2009, 02:36 PM said:

If you wanted to lower H3K4 trimethylation, I don't think that knocking down the demethylase's would achieve this. Removing the demethylase would only increase methylation. You would probably want to target the methyltransferases which attach the methyl groups.

Sorry, the question was wrong...

I want to increase H3K4 trimethylation
