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eliminating albumin from samples for western blotting ?. - (Feb/20/2021 )




I am starting to study a protein which is secreted from cultured mammalian cell
lines. I need to concentrate the conditioned medium to do some Westerns. The
problem is that this way I have so much albumin from serum in my samples which
makes a "blob" in the gel... How could I get rid of it? Is there any affinity
chromatography I can use to absorb albumin?
my protein is about 30 KDa and pI is 6.66; albumin is 68KDa and pI is 5.8.






Cytiva sells an albumin and IgG removal kit. You can also use blue dextran agarose to remove albumin i think this is what the kit contains). You can see a publication from cytiva at this address:
