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What bacteria is this - (Jun/09/2018 )

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Art is subjective.  Who drew the picture and why do you trust their reproduction?

-Phil Geis-

It was topic about infection bacteria quite some time ago. Its not important though, but i thought if anybody may know what is that and can tell me just its name. I think im sure thst it look like same as it was pictured some time ago. I hope :*-)


If infective - agree, can't see Haloquadratum as likey.

-Phil Geis-

Thanks anyway.


Do you think the drawing could be a joke?


Gaffkya and Sarcina form cubiodal packets but the flagella and motility don't fit.

-Phil Geis-

No, of course.


Here is it


Here it is?  Don't see any figure.

-Phil Geis-

Phil Geis,

Here is it (3 sec of mp4 video), this bacteria is moving very fast

Attached Image


"Snake"?  Thought we were talking about a cuboidal object.

-Phil Geis-
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