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Free software for DNA fingerprint analysis - GUI based - (Sep/23/2017 )

I need to analyse a number of RAPD profiles. I have been using GelJ but after upgrading to version 2, the results I get are not compatible with what is visibly seen (Have attached a copy of an analysis). 


I have tried to install PyElph but am not successful. The shortcut generated takes me to a terminal but not to a GUI

I would be most grateful if anyone could suggest me  


1) Step by step installation guide for a python/coding naive to PyElph 

2) or recommend another free software to analyse the gel images


Am from a place where Bionumerics and Gelcompar ii is a dream only and my requests for trail versions were never answered :( 


Thank you in advance 


I'd say it depends what you expect from a software...great and reliant detection algorithms for not so good looking gels/bands which are anyway automatically detected and analysed and finally you get a biostatistic analysis. Mostly it will have it's price.

Anyway if you have not so many gels and lanes free software such as Gelanalyzer will at least do the first steps (, but the data (band sizes) you'll have to analyse separately then...

Have a look here too
