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storage conditions for purified protein - (Oct/19/2015 )

Hi all,


Can anyone enlighten me on the ideal storing temperature for purified protein?


And how long can it last (based on your experience) in said temperature?


ps: my application for the purified protein is to use on western blotting only. 



-Meg P. Anula-

It depends on the protein and what form it is in. Lyophilized protein can be stored in the fridge for a while, but lasts almost indefinitely in the freezer. Proteins in buffer will last a while in the freezer (dependent on freeze/thaw), and can last forever at -80, but again this is dependent on freeze/thaw cycles.


Purified protein (such as restriction enzymes) are often stored at -20 in 50% glycerol to prevent freezing, which eliminates freeze/thaw issues.
