Rt pcr - (Jul/09/2015 )
I have isolated RNA from HEK cell lines.While doing one step RT PCR using kit, and then running the gels, the negative control also shows a band at the same size as of desired for the sample.Why am I getting a band in negative controls?
Most likely due to contamination in one of your reaction component.
What about your positive controls?
Positive control also shows the respective band.The main problem is that why the band is observed in negative controls.I took all the precautions to set the reaction.There is a separate RNA working table.Still,there is a band in negative controls??
What is your negative control? Could it be showing DNA contamination in your prep?
Negative control is cells only.....i.e cells in which no transfection took place.When there is no transcription,how can the desired band of 300 bp shows up there?