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Polyclonal or monoclonal antibody to detect IL-2 in sandwich Elisa? - (May/20/2015 )

I can only either use:

- polyclonal capture antibody and polyclonal capture antibody

- monoclonal capture antibody and polyclonal capture antibody


I'm thinking the first since monoclonal capture would be too specific?

But the polyclonal and polyclonal one sounds too general and would have lots of non specific binding or binding to other molecules...


Thank you so much in advance guys! Really need help!


It does not matter. Generally, monoclonal Ab is more specific than polyclonal Ab. For special IL-2, you may need test. Sometime, monoclonal Ab does not work, while polyclonal Ab works. If you like, just tell me what you want , I would like to help you.


Usually, sandwich assays are best with a monoclonal capture and a polyclonal tracer antibody.  The monoclonal provides better specificity and thus a more accurate assay and the polyclonal tracer will increase your sensitivity.
