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MTT Cell Treatment - (Apr/20/2015 )

Hi expertise,


I am having an oil sample which needs to perform pre-treatment to my HS-27 foreskin human cells before run MTT Assay. Please teach me.   


a. Can i directly treat my cell with the oil for 30mins?

b. What can i use to remove the oil after 30mins treatment instead of using PBS? 


You input will definitely enlighten my day. Thank you so much! smile.png



Sunshine Girl! 

-Jessie Ng-

a) maybe... it depends, would the oil be water soluble (or dispersable) - or do you need a solvent to allow it to work with water?

b)Depends on the solubility and how much you need to remove. Would mechanical removal (pipetting) be good enough?  Could you wash with medium instead of PBS?
