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CRISP/Cas9 commercial systems - (Mar/19/2015 )

Hello all,


Can someone recommend a nice supplier for the reagents of CRiSPR/Cas9?


I have a colleague that can give me home made vectors, but I prefer a commercial system. 

There are so many suppliers avalilable (Sigma, lifetech, origene, santa cruz,...)


Thanks biggrin.png





The only commercial vectors I've had experience with for CRISPR/Cas was through Invitrogen's DNA2.0.  Yeah, it works well and all but honestly, if you simply ligate the sgRNA oligos into pX330 or pX458 you'll have a much faster turnaround time (a few days vs several weeks) and it will cost you less.  That's what we do now.  I've converted my boss to just letting me do it all.
