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I want to separate two proteins having mw of 16.8 and 16.78 kDa. how can i accom - (Sep/11/2014 )

Hi, I have a problem i want to separate two proteins having mass very nearby . hw to separate them?


As long a gel as you can get, 20 cm or more would be good. Run as long as you can.


that mass difference may not be separable with sds-page, although tris-tricine sds-page (with a long gel, as suggested by bob1, and maybe a shallow acrylamide gradient) would have the best chance.


you may be able to separate them by charge difference.


this can be done with isoelectric focusing page or with urea-page (i used urea-page to separate 20 kDa proteins with only a one or two phosphate difference).
