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Can you identify what this is? - (Apr/03/2014 )

Hi everyone,


I have a science fair coming up and I need to identify what these colonies are. I would really appreciate it if you were to identify what the name of these colonies are. I think they are Burkholderia pseudomallei , but I'm unsure. Also identify what is the white thing around it. And again I can't thank you guys enough. 



I'm having issues with uploading the pics so here's the link to them:




Source of inoculum, culture medium, culture conditions (temp, light or not, incubation time,...).... ?
In any case identifying a microbe to level species by colony morphology is close to impossible except in some cases

-El Crazy Xabi-

As El Crazy said, you can;t identify by only colony morphology.

If it is in fact Burkholderia pseudomallei, this is a serious isolation - both as a potential health risk significant enough that B. pseudomallei has been considered a biowarfare agent as well as legal risk as a "select agent" that brings some fairly serious regulatory demands  ( ).


Where are you? I'd expect isolation more frequently in the SE Asia region.

-Phil Geis-