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Can I use cellufine sulfate cloumn as a strong cation exchange? - (Apr/02/2014 )

Hi everyone,


I need a strong cation exchange to purify my protein, and we don't have any. I got a cellufine sulfate cloumn, it's with sulfate ester group. I read that the use of the column is specific for viruses and heparin binding proteins, so it's considered as a affinity column.
Can i still use it as a  strong cation exchange? The binding and elution buffers are similar to a IEX chromatography. 


It's structure doesn't look like an ion exchange polymer to me, but I'm no expert


based on what i read in the technical data sheet (pdf) for cellufine sulfate, you may be able to use it for ion exchange but it seems to exhibit selective binding so it depends on whether or not your protein(s) of interest binds.


you can try it (save everything).
