If MCF-7 cell line can expresses Her-2 gene? - (Mar/30/2014 )
Hi all,
I wanna know if MCF-7 cell (the only mammary gland cancer cell I have) can expresses Her-2 gene? Or only SKBR-3 cell can expresses it?
Thanks for u help!
MCF-7 don't express Her2 natively, but you could put it on a plasmid and transfect it in.
bob1 on Sun Mar 30 08:43:31 2014 said:
MCF-7 don't express Her2 natively, but you could put it on a plasmid and transfect it in.
Thank you, My thinking is if any mammary gland cancer cells can express Her2, I can isolate mRNA, RT-PCR the cDNA and linked with plasmid manually. Because it will wait for about one month if i buy one from Addgene, And that's too long.
If the line doesn't express the protein, then it is quite likely that they won't produce the mRNA - so you had better get a line that does express so as to be able to get the right gene out.
Cloning may well take you more than a month.
bob1 on Sun Mar 30 21:45:20 2014 said:
If the line doesn't express the protein, then it is quite likely that they won't produce the mRNA - so you had better get a line that does express so as to be able to get the right gene out.
Cloning may well take you more than a month.
Thank you, one more question, do you know if MDA-MB-453 cell line can express Her2? Because I just found I can buy this one here in Shanghai.
here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=MDA-MB-453+her2