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Any idea of the composition of the RNA Wash Buffer from Zymo Research RNA Clean - (Mar/17/2014 )

Dear all,


does anybody has any idea concerning the composition of the RNA Wash Buffer from Zymo Research RNA Clean & Concentrator kit? It contains EtOH (80%), so I guess whether I can simply use 80% EtOH as "backup" when the buffer is almost finished.




all the best,




A guess -- it would be buffered at pH 7.5 (or perhaps lower -- you could measure it) likely with Tris. Make sure it is RNAse free.


Hi guys,

EarthOx Life Science ( ) provides comprehensive products including molecular kits, PCR and qPCR regents as well as antibodies and ELISA kits.

Feel free to let me know if you need anything in your lab. We will be glad to provide free samples.






Yes, but 80% ethanol made with pH 8 Tris-EDTA buffer.