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Over expression of genes and their effect on Apoptosis or mitosis - (Mar/16/2013 )

Question: I'm performing some non-parametric analysis on over expression of a gene (yes/no) with a continuous variable of number of mitosis or apoptosis per high powered field. While this is not quite significant there is a particular trend. In each instance, only the tumors that do not contain overpression have higher levels of apoptosis and mitosis. I'm wondering what exactly this explains. The tumor is benign but known to have higher levels of mitoses and because of this can be diagnosed incorrectly as a sarcoma.

Just trying to wrap my head around this.



It sounds like the gene is producing some sort of cell cycle block. Perhaps you need to look at overexpression of the gene in each cell and see if there is a correspondence with mitotic rate. It would be best to do this in a cell line, probably a primary line if possible.
