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Introduction - (Feb/12/2013 )

Hey Guys my name is Aiken.I am a new user on this forum.I visited in this forum through the chain of Google.I am living in Australia.The basic purpose of joining this community is that its topics are interesting and a huge collection for get information.And i hope that you will not worry about me and i do my best to participate positively on this forum.Can any one tell me that what is the difference between a Biology major and a medical technology major?


Aiken5 on Tue Feb 12 15:30:51 2013 said:

Hey Guys my name is Aiken.I am a new user on this forum.I visited in this forum through the chain of Google.I am living in Australia.The basic purpose of joining this community is that its topics are interesting and a huge collection for get information.And i hope that you will not worry about me and i do my best to participate positively on this forum.Can any one tell me that what is the difference between a Biology major and a medical technology major?

Depends on many things like where you are going to study it, what biology major you mean...


Biology covers those things that live, medical technology will probably cover prosthetics (e.g. glass eye, but glasses could also come under this category), stents, imaging devices like NMR/MRI, CT scans, X-rays etc.


welcome to the forum !
