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Help Plz! Hes1 antibody for Immunohistochemistry - (Jan/22/2013 )

Hi everyone,
Could you guys suggest a trustworthy Hes1 antibody for immunohistochemistry on Frozen section? In my lab, we have only small amount of home-made Hes1 from Kyoto Uni, Japan. We also have Hes1 anitbodies from Abcam and Scbt but they don't work at all.
Looking forward to receiving replies
Thank you in advance

-Dai Le-

can you use poly if mono doesn't work? Did you also check if the abcam antibody was made for IHC? maybe you can send a comment on their antibody webpage saying it didn't work for you so others would also take note.


@Curtis: I used polyclonal antibody. It's the best for IHC. FYI, Abcam products are the best for IHC. They are very expensive. I don't know why none of the commercial Hes1 antibodies works. People always use home-made Hes1 for IHC. But you know, it's hard to ask for antibody if you are not in same group of research.
Anyway, thanks

-Dai Le-

Dai Le on Wed Jan 23 02:47:56 2013 said:

Hi everyone,
Could you guys suggest a trustworthy Hes1 antibody for immunohistochemistry on Frozen section? In my lab, we have only small amount of home-made Hes1 from Kyoto Uni, Japan. We also have Hes1 anitbodies from Abcam and Scbt but they don't work at all.
Looking forward to receiving replies
Thank you in advance

Did you look up the antibodies that were used in the methods parts of papers ? Are there no publications with commercial antibodies other than Abcam? Because if a particular antibody has been used in a paper for a certain application that means it has at least worked for them...


@Tabaluga: Well, I have searched the literature. They all use antibodies from Japanese guys. People only use commercial brands for in vitro (cell culture)exp. That's why I'm asking if you guys have any about trustworthy commercial Hes1

-Dai Le-