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mRNA IN BLOOD - (Jul/31/2012 )

is there is a differences between mRNA extracted from Plasma and mRNA extracted from whole blood?


blood=plasma+cells(wbc, rbc, platelet etc.). what kind of mRNA can you get from plasma since there are no cells at all.


gyma on Wed Aug 1 00:46:27 2012 said:

blood=plasma+cells(wbc, rbc, platelet etc.). what kind of mRNA can you get from plasma since there are no cells at all.

For example circulating RNA from dead cells used as a cancer biomarker. Also the can be viral RNA and microRNA in plasma.


thank u for replying . i need to measure the level of expresssion of mRNA OF ERBB2 IN breast cancer and i read article confrm that there is mRNA ERBB2 CELL CIRCULATING IN BLOOD BUT other aricle confirm that they cand detect mRNA OF ERRBB2 IN PLASMA BCZ THAT I AM NOT SURE IF I UES WHOLE BLOOD DIRECTLY TO REACTION IS GOING TO WORK OR NOT


Can i speak to any one who have back ground about housekeeping gene that ues in qRT PCR ?


Bassam27 on Wed Aug 1 23:45:45 2012 said:

Can i speak to any one who have back ground about housekeeping gene that ues in qRT PCR ?

I have used b-actin and gapdh and they both work well. however, I dont know how can you normalize ERBB2 mRNA. how do you separate correctly the cells you want?
