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Carbohydrate removal from bacteria-Advice on how! - (May/28/2012 )

I want to remove carbohydrates from my bacteria sample (as a quick prep to show that my active compound is indeed a carbohydrate). Any advice as to the best method?


You've not provided enough information for a useful reply.

-Phil Geis-

Hi Phil, it really is just a crude prep- I have a bacterial culture that I have been testing in an assay and got activation of my pathway of interest. I am now trying to figure out if this activating compound is a carbohydrate and so want to strip carbohydrate from the cells and if the assay does not work then I will know it's carbohydrate. Is this enough information? Any advice you may have is appreciated thanks.


Sorry sal - I don't know of a means to remove all carbohydrate from a cell prep. Maybe someone else can help.

-Phil Geis-