Stand alone blast-XML output - (Feb/19/2012 )
Firstly NCBI BLAST 2.2.23+ is rather old, I suggest you upgrade to the current 2.2.25+ release for a set of bug fixes and perfomance improvements.
From the '+' on the version number, you are using NCBI BLAST+ rather than the "legacy" NCBI BLAST. Unfortunalty the option values are slightly different between the two versions. So for "legacy" NCBI BLAST you would have used '-m 7' to get NCBI BLAST XML, for NCBI BLAST+ you need to use '-outfmt 5'. From the NCBI BLAST+ usage/help output obtained by running 'blastp -help':
-outfmt <String>
alignment view options:
0 = pairwise,
1 = query-anchored showing identities,
2 = query-anchored no identities,
3 = flat query-anchored, show identities,
4 = flat query-anchored, no identities,
5 = XML Blast output,
6 = tabular,
7 = tabular with comment lines,
8 = Text ASN.1,
9 = Binary ASN.1,
10 = Comma-separated values,
11 = BLAST archive format (ASN.1)
Which is a little different from that produced by "legacy" NCBI BLAST when running 'blastall -':
-m alignment view options:
0 = pairwise,
1 = query-anchored showing identities,
2 = query-anchored no identities,
3 = flat query-anchored, show identities,
4 = flat query-anchored, no identities,
5 = query-anchored no identities and blunt ends,
6 = flat query-anchored, no identities and blunt ends,
7 = XML Blast output,
8 = tabular,
9 tabular with comment lines
10 ASN, text
11 ASN, binary